1. Sickness. DO NOT come to EKS if you feel unwell.
a. Let the Attendance Clerk know if you cannot attend by 10.30 on the first day of non-attendance.
b. You MUST let the Attendance Clerk know if you have any of the following symptoms: high temperature/fever, very sore throat accompanied by red swollen tonsils and fever, flu symptoms, new continuous cough, a loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste.
c. Anyone displaying the symptoms above will be sent home by staff and should isolate in the medical room until their ride arrives. Do not leave the medical room except to use the bathroom and alert the supervising staff member when you need to do so.
d. If you are unwell with vomiting and or diarrhoea you must stay off for 48hrs.
2. Self-isolating. If you have had any of the above symptoms of Covid then please test and/or isolate for 5 days from a positive test result. Follow the current at home guidance before returning to EKS.
3. Handwashing. You must wash your hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds with soap and water, ensuring all parts of the hands are clean, when:
a. Before leaving
b. Before and after eating
c. After using the bathroom
d. After coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose
e. Regularly during the day
4. Handsantising. When Covid or other illness cases rise, the Health and Safety Committee must enact this law. You must either wash or sanitise your hands ensuring all parts of your hands are clean when.
a. Changing activities
5. Handwashing reminders. When Covid or other illness cases rise, the Health and Safety Committee must enact this law. Students must wash their hands when requested by staff members unless they have just done so already.