CM-3. Community Meeting Secretary

1. CM Agenda. The Community Meeting Secretary is responsible for the Community Meeting Agenda.

a. The Secretary is responsible for creating an Agenda for each Community Meeting.

b. The Agenda is structured as per the template provided here.

c. The Secretary will post the next Agenda on the Notice Board by 12pm on the day before the next Community Meeting, to allow discussion of proposals. Proposals submitted after the agenda is posted must wait until the following meeting.

d. The Secretary will provide some copies of the Agenda at the Community Meeting.

2. CM Minutes. The Community Meeting Secretary is responsible for the Community Meeting Minutes.

a. The Secretary will record Minutes for each Community Meeting.

b. These Minutes must contain an accurate and clear report of the actions taken and any relevant supporting material.

c. The minutes will be posted on the CM board by 12pm on Tuesdays.

3. Archive. The Community Meeting Secretary is responsible for archiving Community Meeting Minutes. After each meeting’s Minutes are approved by a Community Meeting, the Community Meeting Secretary must sign the minutes and archive them in the Community Meeting Folder.

4. CM messenger. The Community Meeting Secretary is responsible for passing The Community Meeting’s decisions to the relevant members.

5. Calling elections. The Community Meeting Secretary is responsible for calling and running elections for Community Meeting official positions.

a. The Community Meeting Secretary must keep a record of when positions are due for election and call elections in good time.

b. The Community Meeting Secretary must call for and collect nominations for positions. See A-6-2. Nominations.

c. The Community Meeting Secretary must add the election to the CM Agenda following the Election Process. See A-6-3. Election Process.

a. The Office Clerk must maintain a list of all EKS policies with the scheduled review dates.

b. The Office Clerk must check the list of expiring policies monthly to see if any are due for review.

c. If any EKS policies have not been reviewed by the scheduled date the Office Clerk must add the review to the Community Meeting Agenda.

6. Term. The Community Meeting Secretary will serve for a term lasting one academic half term.

7. Community Service from CM. The Community Meeting Secretary must make note of and inform the Site Manager of any community service orders issued during CM.