CM-4. Motions

1. Submitting a motion. All motions must be submitted to the Community Meeting Secretary by 12pm on the day before the meeting.

1. All motions for a trip or event include the member(s) responsible for organising a motion.

1. Motion to exclude. In cases where a community meeting member has broken a law in this law book in such a way that is poses a serious threat to the safety, wellbeing or freedom of another member or to the community as a whole, a motion to exclude a CMM may be made for a fixed period of time (suspension) or permanently (expulsion). See also Government Guidelines.

a. While excluded, CMMs who have been excluded may not attend EKS or EKS functions apart from the Community Meetings where the exclusion is being discussed.

b. When a CMM is excluded for a specified period of time, they will be reinstated at the end of that period.

c. The fixed period for an exclusion may not be longer than 5 days.

d. Motions to exclude a student for a fixed period or permanently may only be passed with a ⅔ vote.

e. When The Community Meeting votes to exclude a student, it must also elect representatives to meet as soon as possible with the student and their parent(s)/guardian(s). The topic of the conference will be the offences of the student and the consequences of those offences and how the decision may be challenged should the student and/or parent(s)/guardian(s) feel it is unfair or discriminatory. Confirmation of the exclusion will also be given in writing, also detailing the right to appeal and appeal process.

f. Exclusions start the following EKS day after the motion has been passed, unless expressly requested by parent(s)/guardian(s) and agreed with the Community Meeting representative at the parent conference.

g. Motions to exclude cannot be passed without the CMM present. Where it is deemed urgent to hold a referral meeting and not all members are present, a preferred outcome for the absent members may be voted and recorded upon but must be confirmed at a subsequent meeting giving the member an opportunity to input into the decision.

3. Right to appeal. Community Meeting Members have a right to appeal decisions by the Judicial Committee or the Community Meeting where:

a. the decision requires them to take an action which they do not consent to;

b. the decision restricts their freedom or rights in a way which they do not consent to;

c. where the member has information that was not considered which may change the outcome of the decision;

d. they believe the decision was not made following correct procedure;

e. they believe the decision was biased or discriminatory;

f. they believe the decision contradicts another law within this law book.

4. Bringing Back Proposals. Members must not bring back the same proposal to CM without significant change to the substance or circumstance or a significant period of time has passed.

5. Allocated Education Budget. When a motion requesting money from Community Meeting is approved and funds are taken from the education budget, this must be spent within four weeks of the CM’s approval, unless otherwise agreed in the CM. Unspent funds will be returned to the education budget after this time has elapsed.