1. Community Meeting Chairperson. See CM-2 Community Meeting Chairperson.
2. Community Meeting Secretary. See CM-3 Community Meeting Secretary.
3. Judicial Clerk. See JS-1 Judicial Clerk.
4. Deputy Judicial Clerk JS-1 Judicial Clerk.
5. Law Clerk. See JS-2 Law Clerk.
6. Attendance Clerk. The Attendance Clerk is responsible for maintaining the record of CMMs attendance.
1. The Attendance Clerk must provide a system for CMMs to record their daily attendance.
2. The Attendance Clerk must check that CMMs attendance has been correctly and promptly recorded.
3. The Attendance Clerk must record reasons given for absence.
4. The Attendance Clerk must contact parents of students when they are absent if no notice has been given for their absence.
5. The Attendance Clerk must be able to produce a report of CMMs in attendance at any one time or on any given day.
6. The Attendance Clerk is responsible for overseeing staff residence. See A-2-2 Staff in residence.
7. The Attendance Clerk is responsible for deciding whether to close EKS when there is an emergency.
8. The Attendance Clerk is responsible for contacting parents/guardians of students, or emergency contacts if parent/guardians cannot be reached, using the contact details provided in the event of illness or an accident involving their child.
9. The Attendance Clerk is responsible for carrying out a student check at 11am and 1pm daily, ensuring that all students present for the day and not signed off campus are safely on the premises.
7. Designated Safeguarding Lead. The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) has the overall responsibility for the day to day oversight of safeguarding and child protection systems and procedures at EKS. Please see EKS Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and Procedures 2018 for full roles and responsibilities.
1. The DSL must be trained to Level Four Child Protection standards and is responsible for keeping up to date with all relevant legislation and guidance and managing staff training.
2. The DSL must respond to all safeguarding concerns immediately.
3. The DSL is responsible for and must act appropriately whilst representing the Community when referring, liaising and working alongside outside agencies to support families and students identified as needing additional support.
5. The DSL is responsible for managing, writing and reviewing the Safeguarding Policy and procedures in place.
8. Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead. The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead holds the same role and responsibilities as the DSL when the DSL is absent or there is a conflict of interest involving the DSL.
9. Safeguarding Escalation. There must always be one EKS director trained as a DSL (level Four in Child Protection). In the case of possible conflicts of interest with the current DSL, the case will be escalated to the Director who will act as DSL for that case. The Director will also be a part of the Safeguarding Committee and will provide support when needed.
10. Special Educational Needs Coordinator. The Special Educational Needs Coordinator is also known as the SEN Lead. The SEN Lead is responsible for managing the coordination of all additional needs within the Community and overseeing the day-to-day operation of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy.
1. Keeping up to date with SEND information and developments.
2. Overseeing and maintaining the Additional Needs List and student records for students with SEND using a graduated approach.
3. Coordinating provision for children with special educational needs.
4. Liaising and advising fellow staff members.
5. Liaising with parents of students with additional needs.
6. Liaising with and co-ordinating visits of external agencies alongside a director.
11. Data Protection Clerk. The Data Protection Clerk is responsible for managing all sensitive data held by EKS, ensuring that all data is held securely and in line with the EKS Data Protection Policy and meets the General Data Protection Regulations and for reviewing and updating the Student Privacy and Data Protection Policies when needed to ensure all relevant standards are met.
12. Health and Safety Clerk. The Health and Safety Clerk is responsible for overseeing all aspects of Health and Safety within the Community.
1. The Health and Safety Clerk is the Chairperson of the Health and Safety Committee.
2. The Health and Safety Clerk must be held by a staff member.
3. The Health and Safety Clerk is responsible for overseeing the creation of certification procedures for activities and equipment that involve an element of risk, consulting with staff or outside advisors where necessary.
4. The Health and Safety Clerk is responsible for ensuring Risk Assessments are carried out for all activities, trips and equipment that involve an element of risk.
5. The Health and Safety Clerk alongside the Building Maintenance Supervisor, is responsible for ensuring that the building and grounds are safe and secure at all times.
6. The Health and Safety Clerk is responsible for reporting all major concerns or reportable incidents/accidents to the Directors and CM.
13. Office Clerk. The Office Clerk is responsible for maintaining the supply of office materials within the budget allocated in the annual budget.
1. The office clerk is responsible for deciding the term dates for the next academic year and seeking Community Meeting approval before circulating them to the Community Meeting and parents by the end of Spring term.
14. Recycling Clerk. The Recycling Clerk is responsible for sorting and correctly disposing of the recycling.
15. Election Clerk. The Election Clerk is responsible for overseeing the election processes and staff appraisal. The Elections Clerk is elected for a term of one academic year.
16. Bell Clerk. The bell clerk is responsible for ringing the bell for meetings, chore time and as needed.