1. Staffing Committee. The Staffing Committee manages EKS’s staffing needs, conducting the recruitment process for new staff members and all human resources issues.
1. The Staffing Committee must ensure EKS’s staffing needs are adequately fulfilled by actively recruiting for new members of staff when necessary.
2. The Staffing Committee must follow the EKS recruitment policy when filling new or vacant positions.
3. The Staffing Committee is responsible for the staff rota.
4. The Staffing Committee is responsible for carrying out the Annual Staff Appraisals.
5. The Staffing Committee must issue staff with Volunteer agreements or Employment contracts as appropriate.
6. The Staffing Committee will receive and investigate complaints about staff members following the Staff Complaints Procedure, where those complaints relate to the staff member’s suitability for staff or the appropriate fulfilment of their role as staff. Complaints where staff have violated laws in this lawbook are managed by the Judicial Committee.
2. Admissions Committee. The Admissions Committee manages the admission of new students into the Community.
1. The Admissions Committee must respond to and follow up requests for information or Admissions Packs from interested families, sending out packs as appropriate.
2. The Admissions Committee receives admissions applications and arranges Admissions Meetings.
3. The Admissions Committee receives completed Means Testing Assessments from EKS’s accountant.
4. The Admissions Committee conducts Admissions Meetings with applying students and their parents following the Admissions Checklist procedure. Two members of the Admissions Committee must be present at the meeting.
5. The Admissions Committee will decide whether to offer a place to an applying student following an application and Admissions Meeting. Decisions are based on whether or not the Community can meet the educational needs of the student, it is believed that the student is able to exercise personal autonomy and has demonstrated that they are willing and able to live within the laws set by the Community Meeting.
6. The Admissions Committee will send offer letters and contract packs to successful applying families or letters of decision to unsuccessful applicants.
1. Inform the Finance Committee of the new student’s fee arrangements.
2. Inform Community Meeting and Attendance Clerk of the successful admission of a new student and starting date.
8. Where a decision not to admit a student is appealed by a family the Admissions Committee must refer the appeal to Community Meeting.
3. Finance Committee. The Finance Committee manages the Community’s funds.
1. The Finance Committee must include at least one Company Director.
2. The Finance Committee is responsible for maintaining the Community’s financial books.
3. The Finance Committee is responsible for preparing the Annual Budget for submission to Community Meeting and The Members.
4. The Finance Committee is responsible for managing the Community’s financial transactions.
5. Only Company Directors may have direct access to the Community’s banking system.
6. The Finance Committee is responsible setting the budgets for the new academic year and reviewing progress throughout the year – This must be approved and reported to CM termly.
4. Judicial Committee. The Judicial Committee oversees the Community’s judicial system. See Judicial System.
5. Health and Safety Committee. The Health and Safety Committee is responsible for the health and safety of all the Community and anyone, whether a member of the Community meeting or not, whilst on the EKS campus or at an official Community function whether on the EKS campus or elsewhere.
1. The Health and Safety Clerk is the Chairperson of the Health and Safety Committee.
3. The Health and Safety Committee is responsible for writing, maintaining and implementing the Community’s Health and Safety Policy.
4. The Health and Safety Committee is responsible for the Health and Safety budget.
5. The Health and Safety Committee has an annual budget of £500 for training and equipment needed for Health and safety purposes.
6. The Marketing and PR Committee. The marketing and PR committee is responsible for managing the Community’s marketing and press relations.
1. The Marketing and PR Committee is responsible for updating the EKS website and sourcing content for the blog.
2. The Marketing and PR Committee is responsible for running an effective marketing campaign including social media and advertising to increase awareness of EKS, its model and values and to generate sufficient interest for the Community to grow.
3. The Marketing and PR Committee has the authority to organise and run events to promote EKS, its model and values and to meet the enquiries of interested families. Community Meeting must be informed with good notice of any such events by way of an announcement.
4. The Marketing and PR Committee manages the marketing budget as attributed in the annual budget.
5. The Marketing and PR Committee provides Community Meeting with a termly report on activity with a summary and assessment of marketing to date, upcoming plans and status on budget.
7. The Art Committee. The purpose of the Art Committee is to manage the art resources, art displays and activities with weekly art club meetings and an annual EKS art exhibition held in the summer term.
8. The Library Committee. The Library Committee is responsible for taking care of our books and organising them.
9. The Yearbook Committee. The purpose of the Yearbook Committee is to design and sell photos and yearbooks to families of the Community at the end of each academic year.
10. The Events Committee. The purpose of the Events Committee is to organise events throughout the year.
11. The Fundraising Committee. The purpose of the Fundraising Committee is to lead our fundraising efforts with a target set by the Community Meeting and termly reports sent to the Community Meeting.
12. The Executive Committee. The purpose of the Executive Committee is to take decisions on behalf of the Community Meeting as needed during the Summer Holiday Period. The Committee will meet on a weekly basis or when needed and update Community Meeting and parents on plans going forwards. All major decisions must be approved at CM at the beginning of term.
13. The Building and Aesthetics Committee. The Buildings and Aesthetics Committee is responsible for making sure the EKS campus is well maintained and looks its best. Including cleaning, interior design, exterior design and building maintenance. The Committee includes the following positions:
1. The Cleaning Supervisor is responsible for putting up a list of chores and checking that all chores are filled and completed.
2. The Cleaning Supervisor has the responsibility to spend the cleaning budget appropriately.
3. The Cleaning Supervisor is automatically a member of the Health and Safety Committee.
4. Building Maintenance supervisor.
1. The Building Maintenance Supervisor is responsible for maintaining in good repair the building and its fixtures owned or leased by EKS.
2. The Building Maintenance Supervisor is responsible for supervising improvements to the building.
3. The Building Maintenance Supervisor is automatically a member of the Health and Safety Committee.
4. The Building Maintenance Supervisor manages the building maintenance and repairs budget.
5. The Buildings Maintenance Supervisor will take an active role in health and safety as detailed in the health and safety policy.
6. The Buildings Maintenance Supervisor will maintain a list of community service tasks and supervise members carrying out community service.
7. If members fail to complete their community service the Buildings and Maintenance Supervisor will refer the case back to the Community Meeting with the recommendation of a suspension.
14. The Resource Committee. The purpose of the Resource Committee is to plan and maintain the schedule of activities organised within the Community as approved by the Community Meeting, following the process set out in the Curriculum Policy.
1. The Resource Committee is responsible for overseeing the room booking system ensuring an appropriate use of rooms and ensuring that sufficient spaces remain available for general activity.
2. The Resource Committee is responsible for maintaining a list of external resources and liaising with the Staffing Committee to ensure all facilitators’ checks and details are up to date.
3. The Resource Committee is responsible for maintaining the schedule of activities.
4. The Resource Committee is responsible for ensuring check-in meetings with all students take place twice a term and for calling a mandatory Special Community Meeting in the last week of term to gather information about the offers and needs of the community for the following term.
5. The Resource Committee will present the plan of activities with details of costings and facilitators to the Community Meeting for approval in the first week of each new term.
6. The Resource Committee is responsible for adding any planned activities to the schedule once approved by the Community Meeting or notified by a Community Meeting Member.