AD-6. Elections

1. Elected officials. All Clerks including the Community Meeting Chairperson, Secretary and Judicial Clerk are elected by Community Meeting. Elected officials remain in their position until a new member is elected, including at the end of the academic year.

2. Elections nominations. The Secretary must notify the Community Meeting of upcoming elections in the announcements section of the CM Agenda, giving Members one week to submit nominations. Nominations may be submitted in the CM or directly to the Secretary.

3. Election process. The election will be added to the CM Agenda with the following details for all positions to be elected: position, the length of term served and the names of all nominations. Following a discussion each position will be decided by an open floor vote. Each position must be filled, if there are no previously submitted nominations, the Chairperson will accept fresh nominations in the meeting until all posts are filled.

4. Removing elected officials. Community meeting members may be unelected by a Community Meeting motion.

1. A JC report that finds that a Member has not sufficiently carried out their duties automatically has the outcome of a motion submitted to Community Meeting to remove the member from the role.

2. Motions to remove elected officials require a 2/3 vote in favour to be carried.

3. Unelected members are barred from being elected to another position for at least one academic term.